Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Art Jumble this week: Cops & Robbers (and bad movies, obviously).

I promise a more exciting composition next time.

Monday, September 17, 2007

A Cool Exec with a Heart of Steel

I just want to be the first one (in my office, anyway) to state that the upcoming motion picture Iron Man, is, well, going to stink.

I'm not just saying this because I saw the trailer, which I did.

I do, however, look forward to seeing Stan Lee's cameo. I hope he reprises his role as the child-saving balloon salesman again. That was a good one.


You may say that my version of Iron Man stinks.

To that, I reply "thbbbbbth."

If you want to see a kick-ass version of Iron Man worth looking forward to, visit:

I don't the artist (Eric Canete), but I do frequent his blog often.

Super Bad-Ass

From the "Evil Baddie" files:

Super Skrull.

Who'd want to tangle with this f'er? You wouldn't see him, then you'd get a rock fist in the face, and a firebolt enema.


I admit, I did draw him a bit craggy and old, but really, who's in charge; me or him?

(Don't say I said that.)

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Man-a Lisa

Art Jumble this week: Mona Lisa. This version isn't exactly feminine, nor a masterpiece. And what's up with my earring placement? It sort of reminds me of the dark-haired, evil-twin from I Dream of Jeannie, without the sex appeal, of course.

Anyway here (he) she is:

I do like a nice grunge map, though.